Welcome to this course, here is what you can expect
What is the best way to take this course?
What if I don't have anything to sell (yet)?
Understanding Leverage
Away From vs. Towards, Push vs. Pull - Two different energies
The Anatomy of a Change
Inspiration: Tony Robbins, Why we do what we do? TED Talk
Inspiration: Simon Sinek, How great leaders inspire action? TED Talk
Example - My story
Exercise 1 - Point A
Assignment #1 - What pulls you?
Exercise 2 - Point B
What's the worst that can happen?
Bridge the gap
What's the best that can happen?
Assignment #2 - Make it even better
The Most Important Lesson No One Ever Teaches You Until It Is Usually Too Late...
Be active in the community
Access the course private community space
Build your team
Follow your updated 3,6,12 months plan
Journal lessons learned
Commit to never ending improvement
Chapter intro and purpose
Principle 1 - No waste of resources
Principle 2 - Determination
Principle 3 - It may take more than planned
Listen to your gut, not your brain (aka Muscle testing)
Inspiration: Additional approach to Muscle Testing
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